Land Use & Zoning
In Pennsylvania, local governments are in charge of land use and zoning decisions. Each municipality has its own zoning, subdivision, and land development regulations, and if you are a property owner who wants to improve, build upon, develop, or subdivide your land, your project must meet those code requirements, or you will need to get relief from the local zoning hearing board in the form of variances, conditional use approvals, or special exceptions. We can help you by analyzing the local codes and filing appropriate applications.
Timoney Knox’s attorneys have served as solicitors for local governments, zoning boards, authorities, and agencies for generations. We have helped to write local ordinances so we understand the goals the community is trying to achieve. We can honestly advise you on your chances of achieving a particular variance, special exception, development, design, or improvement based on our knowledge of zoning law, our knowledge of the community where the property is located, and our experience.
Landowners who have not been through the land development process are often shocked by the time and expertise it takes to get through something they might consider a minor change to their property.
We represent municipalities, property owners with plans, and even neighbors opposed to inappropriate new developments. Our experienced lawyers lecture frequently on zoning and municipal topics. We can help guide you, too.