Wrongful Termination
Getting laid off from a job or terminated without warning can be traumatic. We understand.
Is your employer within their rights to do this? Maybe, maybe not. Did you have a contract? Do you have reason to feel you were wrongfully terminated because your employer used your age, pregnancy, military service, gender, race, national origin, religious beliefs, or other protected category against you? Did you make a “whistleblower complaint” about something the company was doing wrong? Are you the victim of sexual harassment? Did you follow the company handbook in reporting it, but your boss got mad at you anyway?
You have rights protected by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Americans With Disabilities Act. Being fired, being paid less, being treated differently might mean your employer has engaged in prohibited conduct under federal and state civil rights and employment laws. We can help you sort it out.
What if you signed an agreement not to compete? How will you get another job? Is a non-compete clause enforceable? What if all you really want are the wages you earned? Can you get them even though your employer claims they’re broke?
Talk to us. Let us see if you have a wrongful employment termination claim. We also understand that your finances are stressed at this time, too. While our firm usually handles work on an hourly basis, we are willing to consider a “contingent fee” in cases like this. That means you don’t have to pay a lawyer unless we win your case.